Enersion’s Cooling Technology
Our proprietary cooling technology is revolutionary and game changing.
Water as a refrigerant
No synthetic refrigerant
Vibration Free
Cost Effective

Upto 70% Electricity Savings
Low Maintenance
Emission Free
How it works
Our technology applies a physical phenomenon called adsorption: the adhesion of atoms, molecules or ions onto a surface.
Imagine a glass of water in a chamber. Molecules from the water evaporate into the air above the glass. In the process, thermal energy(heat) from the water is used, creating cooling. However, evaporation is a slow process and will only occur until the air becomes humid.
To solve the problem of humidity, we now vacuum the space above. This allows more water from the glass to evaporate, but the process once again comes to a halt as the space above gets filled with water vapour.
We now introduce the process of adsorption by introducing a nano-porous material into the vacuum. The nano-porous material allows water vapour to get attached to its surface. The surface area is so much so that 6 gms of the material have the surface area of an entire football field! This allows a significant amount of evaporation to take place, bringing the temperature of the water in the glass close to freezing temperatures.
When the nano-porous is saturated, ‘recharge’ it by heating it up. This results in cooling with no electricity using only water as a refrigerant.
Enersion’s Innovation
After 5 years of R&D, Enersion has re-imagined adsorption cooling making it a cost-effective solution. Our technology overcomes the environmental problems of conventional cooling and the technical problems of adsorption while being financially lucrative.
Advanced Nano-Porous Material Synthesis
Unique Mechanical Design & Thermal Management

The Problem
Current Cooling Technology
Cooling is imperative to our lives. Every sector of the modern world relies on cooling for proper functioning. The status quo in cooling is based on vapour compression using synthetic refrigerants. The drawbacks of the current cooling systems are the most challenging problems facing us today:
Global Warming
Refrigerants used have an over 1000 times more impact on global warming than CO2
Ozone Depletion
Refrigerants responsible for hole in the ozone layer that results in skin cancer, eye cataract, genetic and immune system damage, and increase in global temperatures
High Electricity Consumption
Cooling contributes to 50% of summer electricity bills